Sunday, February 27, 2011

UPA Exploration

I just got a new assignment at work to illustrate a series of five books. The best thing about it is that I can use pretty much any style I want! Since this is some exploration for that project, I can't be sure if this is cheating or not but it does correspond to a style that I have been wanting to explore for a while... oh, and I had fun!

Not all of this is done in the full UPA style, but I'd really like to find something similar to it's simplicity and tweaked it to make it a little different. I still think that I should do some full on studies (copying) to really understand UPA sensibilities. 


Jeff Call said...

LOVE 'EM! These are so fun! UPA with a Scott Gwynn touch to them.

Jeff Call said...

I should mention that the top right and middle left are specifically my favorite.

laurenetay said...

What is in that jar? It reminds me of a certain drawing involving preserved thumbs... or a possible recurring theme. Awesome.