Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some Kind of Creature

I won't pretend I know what this guy is supposed to be.

Stink Wave

My 5 year old & I came up with this Green-Lantern type skunk, who's stench is only as limited as his imagination. I'll have to take it further sometime... & make a better skunk.


I wanted to do a better version of this... but oh well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


As the semester (and collegiate career) draws to a close, drawing time has become make-sure-you-are-spending-every-possible-second-on-your-demo-reel time.

Luckily, I've compensated by merging Art-History-time with learn-to-draw-animals-that-I-never-really-learned-to-draw time.

This week: bears, our fine feathered friends.

Second post!

So I did this one earlier this morning... and then jeff posted his old lady... and I thought, "if you take one of the mouths from one of my pirates and stick it on this lady you'd think we had planned to draw the same thing or something." Jeff's would still be cooler though.

Iterations on a boring design

After my previous post I couldn't rest until I improved my design. I know it was just supposed to be a doodle but I'm just so tired of drawing boring. I think he's getting closer to something engaging. Thoughts?

A Dog Rider of Black Rock Retirement Center

Forget about that other post. This is the REAL one.

Imagine an army of the barely lucid elderly, riding majestic mutts through the halls of a retirement home.

Grouchy dude

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fishing Pilot?

Big Detective, Little Gun

I was a big detective with a ridiculously small firearm. A big T-Rex with a tiny mouth. A joke to some. But I knew it weren't the size of the gun that mattered, but the size of the punch it packed.