Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another Reminder To Myself That I'm Still Learning

Tried something new. Fell flat on my face.


Scott C. Gwynn said...

On the contrary! I think this is a pretty successful experiment. It's not a finished piece, and I'm sure you didn't really have "fun" doing it. Honestly though, I can almost hear the relentless downpour... the hard rain. It sets a very affective mood.

The main blemish, I think, is the dudes face. It doesn't really feel like the rest of the piece. I also think that you could find a simpler way to convey the same mood...

But really Jeff, as a study, it seems successful to me.

Scott C. Gwynn said...

Also, you get huge points for venturing outside of your comfort zone. Which is one of the main purposes of this blog.

Scott C. Gwynn said...

...and even more points for posting something you thought was so unsuccessful.