Tuesday, March 8, 2011

UPA Background Attempt #1

After watching 3 hours or so of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (thanks Netflix Instant!) yesterday, I really wanted to try a hand at those beautifully simplistic yet textured backgrounds. I got lost though, and muddled like Bullwinkle, unable to spell my own name. And I tried to do this digitally, where they did it physically like stalwart manly men. I noticed I think they used charcoal or chalk for this really great texture but then it would also have splotches. Mostly I need to do some more looking before I try more doing. The little dude was just there to try and make it feel more contextual although even he fails. Whump whump... (sad trumpet noise)

1 comment:

Scott C. Gwynn said...

This reads really well as a smaller image. I love the dude too. What is he holding?