Friday, March 18, 2011

Book Illustration Exploration

One of my new projects at work is to make 100 illustrations for five books in an educational series. The purpose of the books is to teach children Chinese. I don't have any of the text yet, so I'm just doing some style exploration. The text here is just filler, and I have no idea what it says... hopefully nothing offensive.

I have created a small set of brushes for this project. The middle page is just me playing around with the new brush set. 


laurenetay said...

This style is really killing me. I love it! The colors are super fun, too!

Jeff Call said...

This feels great. SO UPA. I think the brush holds up at smaller scales, and the texture feels nice. The trashcan may just be my favorite.

I'm not sure if the Chinese font holds up yet to the rest of the style, though.